Friday, October 2, 2009

Centrum Contact Improv Jam

The 2009 Centrum Jam will take place December 17-20 including morning labs and copious amounts of jam time daily.

For full information, go to

Contact Improvisation Workshop - Nov 6-8

Contact Improvisation Workshop with
internationally-renowned teachers
Eckhard Müller & Daniela Schwartz

a workshop for experienced Contact Improvisors

November 6-8, 2009
Friday 6-9pm :: Saturday & Sunday Noon-5pm
University of Washington Dance Program, Meany Hall Studio 267
Sliding scale $160–180 if paid in full by October 30, 2009. After 10/30/09, $185–205 if space is available.

Info/registration: Dance Art Group


Engaging us at a body/mind level, this workshop invites us to embrace the unexpected with comfort and acceptance in order to inhabit our body in the present moment, allowing the movement flow to emerge from the dance as we let it take us into the three-dimensionality of space. We will develop the relationship to the ground revealing the strength and possibilities of our structure as we increase a feeling of lightness and freedom and train our ability to modulate the tone of our body as a response to the momentary needs of the dance. For dancers with at least three years' CI experience.


Eckhard Müller fell in love with Contact Improvisation in 1988. He has collaborated with many improvisers in research and performance groups to develop his understanding of “instant composition” as an art form. He has been teaching CI since 1994 to theatres, dance companies, schools and dance centers worldwide. As a dancer he has worked for choreographers Mark Tompkins, David Zambrano and others. He is co-founder of the dance theatre company Dégadézo in Strasbourg, France, using improvisation to create set pieces. Eckhard has been active in building “contact communities” in Freiburg and Strasbourg, and supporting others all over the world. He is co-founder of the contactfestival freiburg, a major CI event. In 2006 he developed SKIN, an interdisciplinary and interactive performance project occurring in Germany, Argentina, France, Uruguay and Switzerland, in collaboration with Daniela Schwartz.

Daniela Schwartz (Argentina/France) has been a dancer, performer and teacher of Contact Improvisation and Instant Composition since 1998. She graduated in Fine Arts from Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg, and has taught with Eckhard Müller to diverse companies, festivals and institutions in South America and beyond. She has created several works as a member of the dance theater Cie Dégadézo, and has taught at Theater Pôle Sud, Ecole Municipale de Danse, Theatre National, and CIRA in Strasbourg. Years of fine art studies, video creation, installations, performances and the artistic aspects of the body inform her physical practice and intellectual research.