Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fall Contact Improv Fundamentals Class

Christian Swenson with Lisa Lightner
Come dance Contact Improvisation! Whether brand new and curious about the form, or an old hand looking to deepen or broaden your practice, this class is for you!

You’ll leave with material to explore in the movement jam that follows and richer sense of the principles and possibilities in Contact Improvisation.

Taught by Christian Swenson (Facilitator of the Velocity Sunday Movement Jam 2-4:30pm every Sunday)

Velocity’s Steward Studio (1621 12th Ave #100, Seattle, WA 98122)

6 Sundays from 12:30pm - 2pm

October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 10, 2019

Cost: $15/class or $12/class with class card

Christian has been dancing CI since the early 1980s. A veteran improviser of many styles, he brings a heightened sense of play to this practice.

In these classes we will explore weight sharing, muscle tone, momentum, varieties of touch, controlled falling, lifting and being lifted, and nurturing a healthy sense of trust.

FB event link: