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January: TBA
February 2-23: Aaron Swartzman / Following Through Falling
This Contact Improvisation-based class looks at the art and joy of following through. We will play with techniques and facilitated scores for riding gravity's rollercoaster, falling into curiosity, and honing the listening integral to partner and solo dancing. The goal: committed, risky dancing which maintains awareness of our body’s somatic truths and the art-making potential of the space around us.
Aaron Swartzman is a professional dancer, Capoiera Angola treineu and father. He believes in the richness and practice of discovering spontaneous beauty and weaving it towards ongoing artistic transformation. He is invested in cultivating improvisation as a life practice and sharing the fruits of his research with others.
March 2-30: Beth Graczyk / Enriching the Performing Body
How do we develop multi-layered physical material that enlivens our dancing? By integrating physical specificity, sensation, and the imagination, we will learn tools to deepen the potential of expression in the body -- creating rich worlds to inhabit.
Beth Graczyk is a contemporary dancer, improviser, choreographer, teacher and research scientist. She has a dance/sound company, Salt Horse, with Corrie Befort and Angelina Baldoz, and dances for Scott/Powell Performance (2004-).
April 6-27: Amelia Reeber / Forming the Formless
Access the narrative of the living body and its relationship to space, landscape and time. Approach the unseen. Engage the dynamic relationship between the individual and greater body. Play, reveal, sculpt, expand and wake energy with simplicity of presence.
Amelia Reeber is a performer, choreographer, and improviser. Creating and performing solo dance works has been her primary interest for the last eight years. She has spent the better part of 2008 touring internationally with Deborah Hay Dance.
May 4-25: Sheri Cohen / Revealing Presence
As we attune our senses through touching, listening and seeing explorations; as we observe our mental activity through naming, witnessing and movement meditations; as we embrace our habits and create new possibilities; we will notice our whole selves emerge into presence.
Sheri Cohen is an award-winning choreographer and dance teacher. She has taught at Cornish College, Oberlin College, Evergreen University, and in many other grassroots-organized workshops since 1992. She is a hatha yoga teacher and a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitionercm.
June 1-29: Kristin Hapke / Only You: Solo Play
How do we stay present and focused, deepen our awareness, and clarify our intentions while in performance? In this class we will investigate locating presence within performative forms by cultivating sensation, tuning our attention and creating imaginative solo worlds.
Kristin Hapke (Artistic director tindance) has been exploring the solo form for 15 years. She has taught technique, improvisation and movement analysis at Ohio State University, Cornish College of the Arts, Hunter College, Columbus Movement, Velocity as well as Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation and Silesian Dance Festival in Poland.
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