Friday, February 3, 2012

Contact Improv Workshop on Whidbey Island

Contact Improvisation As Healing Art:
Workshop & Performance with Stu Philips

Friday, March 2, 2012, 6:30-8:30pm: CI Performance/Beginning Demo & Lesson
Saturday, March 3, 11-4pm: Workshop

Workshop consists of methods of being, particularly with self, and extending those out when “interacting” with others, by deconstructing, undermining and bypassing easily our usual or known mental and physical patterns, and allowing our true/real raw emotional energy to transform our dance movement, as well as ourselves, through behaviorally articulating who we are in aligning with how we are, perfectly.

Stu will lead an introduction with performance and participatory elements for anyBODY on Friday evening. Saturday’s workshop will go into depth researching and practicing the healing potentials of the art of Contact Improvisation: dancing in physical (and other means of) contact with others.

Stu Phillips is a Professional Contact Improvisational Dance Performer and Teacher of more than 24 years, teaching and performing throughout the U.S., Canada and New Zealand, also teaching and performing Improvisational Dance and Theater for 30 years throughout US. The focus is full expression, tuning to emotional and energetic reality constantly in personal flows, portraying that onto students with gentle psychic sensitivity. He is based in Eugene, Oregon.

Suggested Donation: $10-15 (at door) for Friday
$50-60 (at door) for Saturday
Work Exchange also available.

The workshop takes pace at Butopia and SOMA: Sanctuary of Moving Arts on Whidbey Island in Freeland, WA 98260. For more information, contact Maureen Freehill at momo (at) or (206) 855-5836.

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